Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A bunch more layouts!

I have been rockin and rollin on these layouts and have a bunch more to share.

The first two come from Miss Tiina Designs. She has an awesome new kit out called Friendship, and this is what I put together with it. (as always you can click on the image for full credits)

This next one is with the Splendor Collection from Miss TiinaT.

I was able to get a couple more layouts done with the fantastic designs by Sausan.

And I just finished one today using the newly released Funk in your Spring by Juno Designs and Angie Kovacs.

I think that's it for now. Stay tuned, many more to come :-)

1 comment:

you-wee because said...

Hi Kelleanne,

I just came across your blog by clicking through the world of blogger and read about >>scrapbooking<<. I never heard about this before and so I was curious to see what it means.
Is your artwork all made digitally by an image editing program like Photoshop or do you manually mix and arrange the designs and take a digital scan out of it?

Looks really interesting and it seems you have a lot of - especially female - fellows / competitors !?!?

